
Saturday 26 August 2023

The Story Behind the Story with Luc Desroches of Moncton, NB, Canada.


It’s a pleasure to have Luc as our guest this week.

He’s got something to tell us.

 He too was a participant in the GMRD Book Fair, as was our previous guest, Jan Hull.

What a fun time.

Read on my friends and discover his book.



Luc Desroches was born in Edmundston, NB (Wolastoqey territory) and lived most his life in Moncton, NB (Sikniktuk) where he studied and was called to the New Brunswick Bar Association as a lawyer, although not currently practicing.  Luc has worked with the Canadian federal government since 2004, building and maintaining positive relationships with Indigenous communities.  Working from his home office since 2016 has allowed a more harmonious life with his lovely wife (Nathalie), three daughters and Labrador retriever.  Luc is a strong advocate for teleworking by adamantly writing and speaking about the subject.  Luc also enjoys running, motorcycling and spending quality time with family and friends.


Title:  Working From Home for a Harmonious Life



Synopsis: I am delighted to have authored a book that can help people find more harmony in their lives with our current ways of working.

Since I began working from my home office in 2016, I have been writing about how the move has allowed me to create a more harmonious life for both me and my family. This book was mostly written pre-COVID-19, when working from home was more the exception than the rule. I delve deep into my personal experience and reflect on the values and teachings of the Mi’kmaq people who have worked from their homes for over ten thousand years.

The deeper messages of my book are perennial, which is what we need as we face unprecedented challenges.

The Story Behind the Story: After graduating from law school in 2003, I worked in a law firm and became a lawyer, worked with the federal government, and had all kinds of ambition, promotions and had no intention of working from home. Without those first years in office environments and superb colleagues, I almost certainly would not have been ready to be on my scary own self. It took many years of inner work to get to a point of being “alone but not lonely”.

After 13 years of cubicle work, I realized that the intensity and flow needed for my best work does not require commuting, preparing a daily lunch and unnecessary distractions.  My very early morning journaling helped me make sense of why working from home was working for me, and I knew other people could relate to this same experience.  I have a very predictable start to my day with minimal decisions to deplete the psychic energy to perform at my best, to be “in the zone”.

I am an avid reader of nourishing books of all kinds of genres and topics.  I was particularly attracted to self-help, spiritual, health, leadership and philosophy.  I had major realizations reading “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari from Robin Sharma” in 2004 and was inspired by Eckhart Tolle’s deep spiritual messages in his book “The Power of Now”. 

I have a library of over 200 books that have nourished me.  Without this reading, I would almost certainly not have written a book, and it would definitely not have the same depth and favorite quotes.  Reading helps to write and live with more meaning, I even read books-on-how-to-write-books including “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron which I highly recommend to spark creativity, which is often just a matter of creating the habit of doing whatever artistic magic calls you. 



Website: Luc Desroches

A couple of questions before you go, Luc.


Can you tell us about the perfect setting you have, or desire, for your writing? Music or quiet? Coffee or tequila?  Neat or notes everywhere?


My most inspired and deep writing happens in a quieter and more isolated environment.  I developed a habit/ritual of waking very early before everyone else in my household (and most of my community), usually at about 5am. I prepare my clothes in the evening and try to get 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep.  I aim to do 10 to 20 minutes of exercise (includes planks, push-ups, stretches) to get a sweat going and all the good body hormones like dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins.  I then meditate a few minutes before diving into my 1 to 3 pages of writing in my designated journal. I have my favorite quiet place, which is sometimes where the warm rising sun can shine on my face.  I then finish my morning routine with 30 to 60 minutes of reading a nourishing book.  At 5am, my environment is serene and there’s no coffee or tequila, but definitely some Oolong Tea later in the day!



What’s next for Luc Desroches, the Author?


I continue to journal and enjoy writing what wants to come through.  There is no compelling subject these days like the subject of my book.  I mostly write my experiences, insights and some poetic/philosophical pieces.

I write to heal, to deconstruct, to contemplate, to meditate, to listen to what wants to come through me.  The writing helps me make sense of what is happening, and when it makes sense to start sharing, the writing becomes more focused for the book writing process to begin.  One friend told me she loved my book to remind her of why she likes working from home and to better explain it to people and her employer.  Just the act of writing helps me to take the time to remember what I'm grateful for (I try to do this daily) and better welcome my emotions and entanglements.  I really enjoy my time both alone and with people, but recharging is usually better done alone for me, and with lots of space.


Random excerpt from journal:

(…) "From a certain perspective, I would be said to be lucky. Lucky to be alive, healthy and wealthy in so many ways. In this moment, I see it. Coming back from 3 days of almost no electronics, time (both psychological time and clock time), to-do lists, arbitrary lines and other people's agendas. I come back to a me-day “off” to journal in a coffee shop at 10am and ponder, saying no to the thousand other good ideas and experiences to stick to this, this window of focus with no particular agenda”. (…)

Random excerpt from journal:

(…) "The mindset of a crisp new weekend, on this Saturday morning, is soothing, relaxing, enlivening. Once I write down my latest worries, my next weekly tasks, I feel lighter with my monkey-mind on paper. I can enjoy this moment of a whole day with plenty of unplanned space, and better yet, planned "unplanned" space. Weekends are our broader society's way of finding rest, rejuvenating." (…)

Thank you for being our guest this week, Luc. Wishing you continued success with your writing.



And a Humongous thank you to all our visitors and readers.

Don’t be shy, tell us your thoughts.


  1. Love the book from the beginning to the end .

    1. Thanks for visiting and your nice comment.

    2. Thanks for sharing, really happy you enjoyed the book!

  2. Oh how I adore your drive and routine! You are an inspiration and a motivation. I have worked at home for 12 years so far, though it's different as I have a set schedule and could never wake at 5 AM and need 8 hours of sleep, which I rarely get, to be energized at all.

    I'll have to check out your book!

    Thanks for sharing,

    Sarah Butland

    1. Thanks for visiting, Sarah. It's a neat book.

    2. Hi Sarah, thanks for your comment and for sharing your experience. I agree that getting enough sleep to wake at 5am is very important. Waking early may be difficult in the beginning (and takes courage) but once you create the habit after a few weeks, it gets easier and it helps to start the day with a boost of energy and inspiration. There is something magical about these early morning hours that have given me lots of benefits over the years, and breaks the cycle of watching screens (TV, smart phone) late in evening and to not start the days by checking emails. All the best on your journey, and I have other insights and resources on this topic in my book if you are curious for more.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for visiting, Angela and for leaving your comment.


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