
Saturday 20 July 2024

The Story Behind the Story with Paige LePage of New Brunswick, Canada.

Let’s welcome Paige, another newcomer to the Scribbler.

She has kindly accepted our invitation to share the SBTS of her latest work.
Read on my friends.

I started writing later in life, I have always been an avid reader. The first books to really leave an impression on me as a younger reader were The Hero and the Crown and The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley. I read and re-read those books a few dozen times.

As I got older my mother shared her Harlequin books with me and I read them all, even purchased more on my own. My mother also shared her love of mystery and thrillers, sharing her Steven King books, Nora Roberts, Sue Grafton, and many more.

I blame my love of reading on my mother... giggle it is always the mother’s fault.

Pre-Covid I was doing a lot of reading, and I stumbled across some really poorly written books and had the thought that I could do better. So, I challenged myself to write a romance novel just to see if I could really do better. And … so began my writing journey. Much like the heroine of my first book, I wrote in secret. Once I was done, I sat and stared at it, dumbfounded that I … wrote a book! Now what?

First thing I did was send it to a few trusted friends to read and give me their honest opinions. Then I spent 2 years trying to get traditionally published, but I kept being turned down because the book did not fit into specific categories that some places wanted.

At the urging of several people, I turned to Amazon and became an "Indie Author."

My first book, Her Hero's Revenge, is a steamy romance.

I then decided to try a slightly different genre with Is It In The Cards, a paranormal mystery.

I am currently working on book 3, another romance; the female antagonist from the first book needed her own story.

Title:  Is It In The Cards



Angela started life off as a well-rounded child; smart, athletic, pretty … a tiny firecracker of a kid. It seemed she was on every sports team going. She did well in school. It seemed she had it all. Until she didn’t when her life changed. Drastically changed.

Puberty, some would say, is rough on everyone, but in Angela’s case it was horrible. It brought on a “gift” she never asked for that forced her to quit most activities. Sports were out of the question for the most part. She gave up on hanging out with her friends. She spent her evenings mewed up in her room, studying … but really just trying to shut out the world that seemed to be out to get her. Trying to shut out all those voices that swirled around, shouting at her from some unknown dimension.

Fast forward to university and cut to an unexpected and rare outing to play poker with acquaintances. The cards brought a gift of calmness and revealed a new best friend who helped her make sense of it all, opening her world up to a brand-new future full of brand-new possibilities, bringing her out of her self-imposed isolation.

Another twist brings her into contact with a skeptical but open-minded local police Captain, leading to another way to help others in need, but bringing her face to face with new dangers and a fight for her very life!

Come join Angela in a paranormal tale of mystery, romance and unexpected dangers. Follow her to find out what is in the cards for her and those around her …

The Story Behind the Story:

Well…. they say write about what you know.

When I was younger there was a period of time where I seem to have flashes like the character in the book.  I would use a plain deck of playing cards and would tell people about their past and future.

I often wondered what would have happened had I honed my talents… aside from freaking out a few friends as I had.  LOL

So, this was my interpretation on what could have happen had I wanted to go down that road.



Website – please go HERE.

A question before you go Paige.

Scribbler: What is the ideal spot for you when you write your stories? Music in the background or quiet. Coffee or tequila? Messy or neat?

Paige: Messy or neat? … If you could only see my computer desk at home. LOL

Coffee or Tequila? … I don’t drink coffee… do with that as you will. 😊

I wrote the majority of my book in my down time at work. Several times I had supervisors and co-workers stop by my desk and say, “What are you doing? Writing a book?” The look on their faces when I actually said, “Why, yes, I am” was priceless.

I wrote at work because of my busy family life at home. I had 2 young children, a husband and a dog that all needed attention. So … free time and quiet were hard to find.

When I did write at home … mostly the spicy scenes … I would usually have music playing in the background, something that I thought would fit the situation I was writing about. Sam Smith, The Weekend, Barry White… etc.

Also by Paige.

An Excerpt from Is It In The Cards:


She could smell the smoke and coughed trying to clear her airways but the phantom smoke choked her, burning her eyes, and she gasped for breath, panicking more when the scents of burnt rubber and leaking gas and oil was added to the mix.  She saw the blood of the other driver coming out of his nose, mouth, and ears.  His airbag had not deployed.  He wasn’t moving and his skin looked ghastly pale, almost a greenish hue.  She could hear the moans of her instructor, his shouts for help as he was stuck in the gnarled mess of the car.  She could hear the panic in his cries when he caught the odor of the gas leaking out of the car, terrified it was going to blow up.  She could hear the approaching sirens of firetrucks, police cars and other rescue vehicles, but she feared they wouldn’t make it in time to save him. 

It was all too much, too overwhelming, and she gasped and fell to her knees, shaking, coughing, crying with smoke filled eyes and shock as she had never seen anything so gruesome in any of her previous visions. 

Thank you for being our guest this week, Paige. We wish you continued success with your stories.

And a special thank you to all our visitors and readers.


  1. Nice interview, Paige.
    I’m glad you’re enjoying the writing journey. It feeds the soul, doesn’t it?!?
    Naming your protagonist Angela…nice touch.

  2. Nice interview, Paige. I’m glad your writing journey is going well. Keep up the good work.
    Naming your protagonist Angela…nice touch. 😊

  3. Thanks Suzanne 😍 as you know writing is fun and rewarding.... Editing not so much 😂 taking readers on a journey.... A vacation that doesn't break the bank.... Letting them be taken on a ride experiencing everything your characters do. I love that about writing.

  4. Definitely recommend both books. Great character and plot development. Very easy to get lost in the stories.

  5. Definitely recommend both books. Great character building and so easy to get caught up in and lost in their stories.

  6. Great interview Paige! Love your books ! Both great reads ! Looking forward to book #3 ! So happy for you ! ❤️


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