
About Me



Welcome & Thank You for visiting the Scribbler.

If you’re new to the South Branch Scribbler, you might wonder where the name of the blog came from.

I grew up in a small community called… you guessed it… South Branch.

On the eastern shore of New Brunswick, in Kent County, lies the village of Rexton and from there the Nicholas river flows from three branches, East, West and South, the names of the communities that grew around the rivers.

When I was ten months old, luckily, I was adopted by Beatrice and William Hudson. I had a brother and sister-in-law and three sisters who all spoiled me. It was a wonderful childhood – all good memories.

Looking back, I’ve been a fortunate man. Married to a wonderful, gracious lady, Gloria Chiasson. A son Adam, two stepsons Chris and Mark and their spouses and children, Mireille, Matthieu, Natasha and Damien. I’ve had many adventures in my life. I have a loving and supportive family. I’m blessed with good friends. I’m a very lucky man.

I started writing later in life, inspired by one of my favorite authors, Bryce Courtenay, who began his writing career in his mid-fifties. It has been one of my most rewarding pastimes. I’ve been an avid reader since it started with Dick & Jane – a primary reader my mother brought home from her work – Bea was a school teacher and taught me to read at an early age.

I’m a fan of many authors. Diana Stevan, MJ LaBeff, Chuck Bowie, Roger Moore, S C Eston, Angela Wren, Stephen Kiernan, Adrianna Dagnino, Beth Powning, Susan Toy, Leon Uris, Len Deighton, Herman Wouk, Trevanian, Harlan Coben, Michael Connelly, Ken Follett, John Grisham, Steinbeck, Wilbur Smith and of course, Bryce Courtenay.

I enjoy my blog and sharing other people’s accomplishments. I hope you do too. I would love to hear from you.



  1. This webpage has well laid-out and easy to navigate through. Impressive.

  2. Thanks for visiting, Paul and the nice comment.

  3. Hello. Great interview with my cousin Tara. Keep writing.

    1. Thanks for the nice comment. Tara is a lovely lady and it's been fun having her as a guest.

  4. Hello, Allan,

    I just recently posted my latest novel, Lee Hacklyn Private Investigator and Urban Tiger Team-Up in D.A. Moral.

    About two years ago, I hit emotional-bottom and reached out to God.

    Since then, my weight has gone from 235 lbs. to 170 lbs. On a good day!

    I've renewed old friendships and made many new ones on Facebook.

    Most importantly, I've been pursuing my dream of becoming a professional writer of creative fiction, with more passion than ever before.

    For me, at least.

    Now? I have twenty-seven books on-line.

    If my story sounds interesting to you, then I'm excited about the possibility of you interviewing me.

    My e-mail is

    My mobile number is 604 220 9787.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Warmest Regards,



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