
Voyage of Hope. A short story.


A Short Story


Allan Hudson


Historical Fiction



Ariel Benowitz suffers through the worst night in the young man’s life. Terrible men stroll the streets, leaving carnage and death behind, persecuting Jews. Will no one come to his rescue?

Felix Schneider inherited a promise from his father. It was made to Ariel’s father. Will Felix’s outstretched hand offer more than hope?


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5 Star Review by Author Diana Stevan of Vancouver, BC Canada.

"Though a short tale, this story about a 11 year old Jewish boy in Germany just before WWII breaks out, is beautifully written and leaves the reader with much to think about, especially at this time, when Israel and Gaza are at war. Anti-Semitism is on the rise, or maybe it's just more exposed now, like it was during Hitler's time. There are many published stories about the horrors Jews faced during the Holocaust. We need them, to remind us of not only what happened, but to stop another holocaust from happening again. Allan Hudson's short story is one of them."

In 1939, the MS St Louis offered hope to persecuted Jews. Sailing out of Hamburg, Germany, it was destined for Cuba where over 900 people were granted landing visas.

This short story is based on that event although my account is fictionalized.

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