
Saturday 10 June 2023

The Story Behind the Story with Tawnya Torres of the Pacific Northwest.


Tawnya is no stranger to the Scribbler.  We're glad to have her return.

She’s excited about her new book and kindly agreed to share the SBTS with us.

If you missed her first visit, please go HERE.

Read on, my friends.




Tawnya Torres lives in the Pacific Northwest near the ocean. The endless rain and evergreen forests influence the dark romantic mood of her stories. If she's not at her desk surrounded by angel wing begonias you can find her by the beach or on a hike with her beloved little black dog.



Working Title: The Heart of the Machine



Synopsis: After earth was invaded by aliens, notorious billionaire scientist Adam Krim isolated his family in his luxurious lab inside Mount Ontake. He slowly lost his mind to his creation, a human-robot hybrid. Designed for war–extraterrestrials were not fathomed at the time but the machine is capable of killing anything, and everything. His son Bellamy is tasked with the difficult job of waking, teaching, and taming the Ex Machina named Gwen. Living within the confines of the lab for twenty-two years has dulled Bellamy’s social skills. As he attempts to train the machine for her purpose Bellamy begins to understand his father, bringing up past traumas not yet fully explored. While Gwen tests her abilities, killing the vicious Mantodea plaguing earth, Bellamy is forced to test himself. A player in her game, he tries to win but acknowledges his strategy is futile. Bound by something unseen, the two fall for each other, risking the world’s safety. Bellamy’s team expects productivity, they demand a solution to the ongoing battle against the violent aliens, yet he can’t control the machine his father made. She has a mind of her own.


The Story behind the Story: I wrote The Heart of the Machine during the second lockdown for covid. I thought about isolation a lot and was greatly influenced by Grimes’ music at the time. Science fiction is one of my favorite genres and I wanted to try writing my own story. I thought I’d be a horror or suspense author but it turns out I truly love romances. The Heart of the Machine is dark, futuristic, and romantic.




A question before you go, Tawnya:

Can you tell us about the perfect setting you have, or desire, for your writing? Music or quiet? Coffee or tequila?  Neat or notes everywhere?

I like to be alone. I can’t write in a coffee shop or if people are around. I usually write in silence while drinking an au lait with an organized mess waiting for me.



Thanks for sharing the story with us, Tanya. Good luck and happy writing.

And... all you visitors and readers. 

Don’t be shy, leave us a comment.

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