I have just completed the third draft of my work-in-progress (WIP) Wall of War and it is almost ready for a select group of Beta Readers. Then off to the editor. Cover reveal soon. Book launch sometime in 2016.

The story continues in 2004 with a cast of daring and brave characters searching for the young priest that discovers the gold dagger and strange papers written in a strange language telling of lost Incan gold....
Drake Alexander will need every resource to outthink Spanish raiders who are bent on stealing Peru's riches once more.
The Scribbler has been host to the first three parts of the opening section. You can link to the three previous installments as follows. Beginning Part 2 Part 3
It continues:
the time Father Graft reaches his car, it is past midnight. The last span he
climbed was in the shadows of dusk, hand holds and foot holds difficult to see.
And yet he scrambled up the face with the dexterity of a wild goat. He had discovered
a narrow valley on the opposite side of the mountain with an easier walking
route to the top on a previous visit and the red ribbon blazes he left behind are
easy to follow even in the dark. He is thankful he replaced the batteries only
this morning not realizing how much of a workout his small light would get.
unlocks the vehicle, changes clothes, jumps in and starts away. His actions are mechanical; his mind
contributes nothing to the actions of his limbs, it being totally absorbed by
the hugeness of the day. He keeps going over in his head of what he will write.
He’ll get all the details down on paper. When he feels they are complete he will
request a private visit with the archbishop to present both the dagger and the
story behind it. When it is made public, it will shock and bewilder the
arrives in Ollantaytambo shortly after two pm, the small town asleep. He parks
his car at the rear of the church thinking to enter in the side door beyond the
bell tower. It is always unlocked. He wants to kneel before the altar, he needs
to converse with his Saviour. He has great difficulty in comprehending his
unique position, of containing the bizarre news that he understands will
reshape his world. Each step he takes from here cannot be done on his own, he will
need a guide.
devotes the next fifteen minutes at the altar rail that separates the nave from the
chancel, speaking with the lightest of whispers to the man on the cross above him,
his head bowed. He finishes by saying reverently,
am but an empty vessel. I ask that you fill me with your desire, to use me to
your divine purpose. I will follow whatever road you have prepared. Amen.”
of his knees creaks as he rises, the snap echoing in the emptiness of the building.
The only light is a bluish pall that enters through the side windows, the moon
glow soft and reassuring. He straightens up to look around, gazing at the empty
pews, the dark front doors he can barely see. Turning back to the worship area,
his eyes rest on a door to the left of the sanctuary, hardly discernible in the
low light. Behind it is a group of rooms, one of which have paper and pen, the
Monsignor’s office. He is dog tired but he wants to get as much details down as
he can, while they are still fresh in his mind. By tomorrow the particulars he
will recall can be tarnished with twenty four hours past reality, the mind
changes things with memory; it will become what he wants it to be.

pages later he can hardly keep his eyes open. He has described the opening
where he first entered, he told the reader of what he discovered, he wrote
about the enormous size transcribing the dimensions from his note book and the
last two pages are about the historical implications, the wealth of the find,
how it could benefit the church, Peru and its people, all speculation of
course. He pulls the page from the carriage, thinking to do one more giving
directions to the monument. He lays the sheet on the desk with the others,
removes a blank page from the top drawer and places it in the wheel. After five
or six minutes the words blur, he isn’t making any sense, he’s forgetting
things. He knows he has to break for a minute. Pushing his chair back several inches
he rests his head on the desk thinking he will close them for just five
minutes. It is 4:21am.
Close to 7am, Aduviri Conde, a fourteen year old acolyte of the church, is
shaking him awake. As he tugs at the sleeping man’s shoulder he says in
Graft, Father Graft, wake up. Don’t you remember that you are saying the
morning mass in Urubamba today, Father Rodriquez is still sick? Hurry, you are
going to be late”
sits up all groggy and disoriented rubbing his weary eyes and says,
are you talking about Aduviri; I thought I was to assist Father Cortez at the
late mass today.”
has all changed, Father Cortez is too busy and you are the only one available,
I told you this before you left to go climbing yesterday. I should’ve known you
would forget, the rock is all you think about on your days off. I was starting
to panic when I didn’t find you in your bedroom, then I saw the light in
Monsignor’s office. What are you doing here?”
question jolts Suetonius fully awake as he focuses on the sheets on the table.
Aduviri scoops them up and says,
are you writing and why is it so strange?”
mind Aduviri, it’s just something I’m preparing, you know how the mountain
moves me.”
deftly plucks the papers from the boy’s hand placing them back on the desk and
grab me a heel of bread from the kitchen and some cheese, and some water; I’ll
eat on the way. I’ll get cleaned up and meet you in the dressing room to help
me pack my robe.”
boy is intrigued by Father Graft’s brusque manner; he is usually so calm and
polite. He quickly forgets the sheets with the funny words and says,
away, Father. May I go with you today; I could serve as your altar boy?”
not today Aduviri, they have plenty of available altar boys.”
he has just saved the young man’s life.

down from the chair he quickly unfolds the rag to expose the knife. He rolls the paper in a circle wrapping the
dagger up with words. He places the bluish rag around it all, gets up on the
chair again and shoves the package under the insulation he can feel. Stretching
on his toes, he gropes for the cover. He hears the boy returning, humming a
hymn. He flips the wood back pulling it down with the handle. Where the paint
has broken, it fits back together as neatly as Inca stone; no one will be the
wiser. Stepping down from the chair he wipes off the bits of insulation that
fell. He slides the chair back in place just as Aduviri opens the door.
boy thrusts out a brown bag with Suetonius` breakfast and says, ``Here``!
you, young man. Don’t be so abrupt. I know you enjoy the drive and are
disappointed but not today my friend. Next time okay?”
gives the boy a phony punch to the chin, tapping a smile into place. Aduviri
points to a well-used black leather case.
understand Father Graft. I have already packed your tunic and robes.”
takes a quick glance at the ceiling as he follows the boy out of the room. Making
a quick stop at the washroom to freshen up before he heads out to his car, he
is thinking of the last page. He must remember to be clear on the instructions
he tells himself. If he is not around to
lead someone there, it will be very hard to find.
is on the last straight stretch before the road winds through a pass to the
small community of Urubamba. He is so tired he can hardly stay awake. He wants
nothing more than to pull over and sleep for several hours but he is already
behind schedule. The monotony of the roadway coupled with the soft rocking of
his old car from poor shocks soon lulls him into a haze. He closes his eyes,
only for a second he thinks, but they never open again. Father Suetonius Graft
falls asleep at the wheel of his auto. When his body can no longer support
itself, he slumps towards the steering wheel. Coming towards him is an older one
ton truck piloted by a local farmer.
Just as the two vehicles near each other, the weight of the priest’s
inert body pulls the wheel to the left. His car collides with the heavy bumper
of the old Ford.
farmer escapes with a broken leg and a mild concussion but the priest is killed
instantly, his body mangled within the twisted wreckage. His Deliverer has
called him home, his mission complete. The secret of the golden wall will remain
hidden for another fifty one years.