One Bedroom Ark

 This is what's happening!

Paperback and eBook available Now.

Schedule for May, 2024.

Maritime Crafts starting May 1st

May 25th Saint John Dennis Morris Canter
9 - 2pm

June 1 - Curt's Craft Fair. Riverview, NB.
9AM - 4PM

June 8th - Dieppe Farmers Market
8AM - Noon.

June 16th
Loch Lomond Farmer's Market. Saint John.

June 23rd Centennial Park, Moncton, NB.

More outlets coming soon.
Thank you.

One Bedroom Ark is a story dear to my heart.

I loved writing this story.

Jeb Coyne, proprietor of Coyne’s Confectionary, will have been widowed for two years tomorrow. Tending to his daily business takes his mind off the looming anniversary for a moment, as do his customers, whether cheerful or grumpy. But he’s never felt so alone.

With the workday finished, Jeb is a few minutes from locking the doors. He goes out to bring in the sign board his father made and is interrupted by a tiny voice asking if he is closing.

Olivia Fletcher stands before him, a teenager with wet strands of hair across her cheek, a baby in her arms.

This chance meeting will change both of their lives forever.

Buy here please.

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