As well as writing, Pierre Arsenault is also a freelance cartoonist. He resides in Moncton, NB. He is the author of two collections of short stories. The first - Dark Tales for a Dark Night was co-authored with Angella Jacob. His second is titled - Sleepless Nights.

Pierre is sharing one of his short stories this week. You never know what will greet you when you journey out in the middle of the night.
Garnett’s Gift
By Pierre C Arseneault
All rights reserved
sat alone in an empty room. Its only content being a low-backed soft stool
which he now sat on and a weird oval table. The flat topped table had a
mushroom like shape and stem-like leg in its center. The entire room looked
like it was made of strange hard off-white plastic and yet it had some give to
it when Garnett pushed his fingers into it. He had awakened in this room with
no idea of how he had gotten here. Groggy at first, it took a while before he
noticed there were no exits. No doors. The walls were seamless as was the stool
and table. He couldn’t tell where they begun and the floor ended. It was as if
the entire room was made of a seamless plastic. With no visible vents, he
wondered how he was still breathing. Where was he? He remembered getting out of
bed as quietly as possible, trying not to wake his wife. The dogs were barking
and the cows were agitated. Something was wrong. Perhaps coyote but with their
four dogs roaming the farm, they had never had any predators come close before.
In the same blue chequered pyjama bottoms and white t-shirt he wore now, he had
wandered out onto the porch in his slippers with his large halogen flashlight.
Last year’s Christmas gift from the kids came in handy at times but he
appreciated it a lot at that very moment. He remembers seeing some of the cows
all huddled together against the fence. They were restless, milling about,
pushing and shoving to get as close to the fence as possible. He couldn’t see
the rest of the herd but he knew some were in the barn. He could hear them. The
rest were most likely towards the opposite side of the enclosure. The hairs had
stood up on the back of his neck and his arms. He could hear the dogs barking
but couldn’t see them. He remembered calling the dogs but they never came. He
remembered his sight becoming blurred and his head beginning to spin. The last
thing he recalled was removing his glasses and struggling to focus as he saw
the fast approaching ground as he passed out. Then darkness.

he dreaming he wondered? Had he watched too much Ancient Aliens that it now
affected his sleep? Only for some reason he knew this was no dream. He could
now feel a sudden presence in his mind. The alien being tilted his head
slightly and seemed to smile softly as it gazed at Garnett.
is your name, man from the water star?]
heard the alien speak but yet his mouth had not moved. He heard it but was it
really with his ears? It felt more like he heard him with his mind.
he felt compelled to answer. “Garnett. Garnett McGraw. I’m not dreaming am I?”
you are not,] replied the alien using only his mind to communicate.
voice had a soft and soothing feeling to it that he couldn’t understand.
am I here? What do you want from me?” asked Garnett. He felt anger within him
but yet he couldn’t raise his voice even when he tried.
kind are dangerous, Garnett. Did you know that?]
kind?” asked Garnett, knowing full well what the strange being meant.
kind fights each other for resources you should all be sharing. You all inhabit
the same water based star,] said the alien. [Yet, you fight for things that
belong to none of you.]
Yes, I suppose some of us do,” replied Garnett.
replied the alien. [You kill each other because you like different things.]
don’t understand what you want?” replied Garnett.
kind wants to destroy your kind,] replied the alien as his head tilted even
more as it watched its prisoner with curiosity. As if he waited for a reaction.
asked Garnett.
kind believes your kind to be a danger to all the others in what you would call
the solar system.]
was a simple farmer but was no fool. He held degrees
in veterinary medicine and
always had a fascination for politics until he had come to the conclusion that
they were all corrupt. At least that was what he now believed after watching
his fellow farmers struggle to stay in business. Not having to call in
expensive vets to look after his dairy and beef cows saved his farm a lot of
money and helped him stay in business. He was smart in many ways and knew the
alien was right.
of my kind believes that some of yours have begun a sort of revolution. That
your kind could possibly know peace someday.]
plan to invade us?”
need,] replied the alien creature as he straightened his head and squinted a
little. [We can destroy your world from far away.]
asked Garnett.
star cannot sustain life without water. We would simply take it all away.]
sat still for a moment looking down at his hands as they rung at each other. He
fiddled with his wedding ring like he often did when deep in thought.
you done this before?” Garnett asked while still looking down at the table.
Something told him they had and they were not bluffing.
replied the alien as his eyes grew even wider. [Yes, we have had to destroy
three stars before. But not before trying to save them.]
don’t understand,” replied Garnett. “Save them how?”
visit stars. We try and help the ones who live there. Teach them peace.]
yet you destroyed three?” asked Garnett.
We had to. They had begun to venture out in the solar system with weapons of
stood up and walked away from the table, staring at a blank wall as he spoke.
destroyed them before they could destroy you.”
They would have attacked all other stars with life, fearing what they don’t
now it’s our turn?” asked Garnett. “You’re going to destroy us too?”
kind is on the verge of venturing out from your star. We can’t let you do that.
You are too dangerous.]
turned to face the alien. “But if you destroy our world. Without trying to
negotiate peace first, doesn’t that make you even worse than us?”
I said before, we have tried. We have sent ambassadors of peace to your star.
They were all killed by your kind.]
slowly made his way to the table and sat down again.
a lie,” he said even though somehow he knew it wasn’t. “There would be evidence
of such a thing happening and there isn’t.”
there is much evidence but your kind refuses to see it. Your kind always grows
fearful, always killing what your kind cannot comprehend. We left you alone for
thousands of your years, no longer interfering in your affairs only to watch
you become worse with time.]
human nature,” replied Garnett. “Maybe you should kill us all,” he said as he
looked down at the table again while fiddling with his wedding ring again.
“Just don’t kill my Emma. My Sadie and my Danny.”
creature knew this man-creature spoke of his family. They always did. These
water-star creatures who call themselves humans always begged to save the ones
they loved. Not for the others of his star that they did not know. Not at first
anyway. The creature saw nothing different or special in this one who called
himself Garnett.
star will be destroyed and all who are on it,] replied the alien.
bring me back before you do so I can say goodbye,” said Garnett as a tear ran
down his face. He wiped it away as if ashamed to show weakness before this
God-awful being.
cannot bring you back just yet,] said the alien creature.
bowed down his head as a feeling of helplessness washed over him as he broke
down. He sobbed as the creature watched in curiosity. Garnett looked up before
he spoke. His voice filled with so much emotion that it cracked.
can’t destroy us now. Danny just got accepted to veterinary college and Sadie
is starting high school.”
kind is destined for destruction,] replied the alien. [Our task is to prevent
you from destroying others in what you call the solar system.]
me back then,” replied Garnett. “I want to be destroyed with the rest of my
asked the alien. [Why would you desire your own destruction?] The alien tilted
his head to the side and had that squint of what Garnett could only guess was
don’t belong here,” said a frustrated Garnett. For the first time he felt the
ability to raise his voice in anger. “I want to die with my family.”
alien said nothing as he watched the human lower his head and shed more tears.
He waited a moment as Garnett composed himself somewhat.
if you could save your family? What if you could save your star?]
asked Garnett as tears flowed steadily.
alien turned its attention away from Garnett for the first time and looked
towards the blank wall to his right. Garnett looked at the blank wall with
curiosity before realizing that the alien was most likely conversing with
another one of his kind outside of this off-white plastic prison.
Garnett, a slit appeared in the table. From it, slowly emerging was what looked
to Garnett like a small off-white shot glass filled to the brim with a dark
blue powder. Once it was on the table, the slit vanished as if it had never

that why you brought me here?” asked Garnett. “What am I supposed to do?”
brought you here to offer you a chance to save your star. My kind wants to wait
another year before deciding whether or not to destroy your star.]
year?” asked Garnett.
of our years.] The alien looked down at the glass on the table as if thinking
for the first time since they had begun the conversation. [I believe that would
be more than three hundred of your star years.]
wiped his tear-stained face with the sleeve of his t-shirt but said nothing.
need only drink the blue fluid to save your star.]
looked at the blue powder in the plastic glass. “What is it?”
is your sacrifice,] replied the alien in a soft tone. [Your demise will prove
your kind can be unselfish. It is required so those on your star can live.]
reached for the glass but paused just before he touched it. “You’re telling me
if I eat this powder shit that you won’t destroy earth?”
you make that sacrifice then we will spare your star from destruction, yes.]
this will kill me?”
do I know you will not destroy us anyway?” Garnett picked up the glass and watched
as the powder turned into a liquid before his very eyes. The cup was filled to
the brim, yet when he tilted it slightly the liquid remained flush to the brim,
not spilling an ounce.
choice is to die along with them or for them,] replied the alien. [There are no
other choices.]
took a deep breath and hoisted the glass as if making a toast at a wedding. “My gift to mankind then. To my
Sadie, Danny and Emma.”
flowed as he placed the cup to his lips and drank the dark blue liquid in one
gulp. He set the cup down and opened his mouth to speak but found he couldn’t.
The whites of his eyes were the first to turn a dark blue while the rest of him
followed. He looked at his hands as they turned a dark shade of blue. The
creature reached across the table and placed a long pale pink finger in
Garnett’s head as if his flesh was now semi liquid. Garnett felt his body
become heavy. He no longer drew breath as he felt he had no need to.
alien closed his eyes for the first time and Garnett saw in his mind now. He
saw an older grey haired man walking amongst cows leading a young calf into a
barn. The old man was his son Danny. He saw an older woman; her hair died an
unnatural shade of brown, trying to mask the ever increasing wrinkles she bore
as she stood before a classroom full of young impressionable children. The
children watched in awe as she explained today’s lessons in grammar. Sadie, his
daughter would become a teacher after all. He saw an old woman sitting in a
rocker, knitting as she listened to the television. His wife Emma would outlive
him and her second husband as well and become a grandmother to four beautiful
children. He saw the milk cartons from his very own dairy cows with his picture
on them asking if anyone has seen this man.
Garnett McGraw.
Missing since May 19th 2014.
Reward offered for information that will
help find this man.
last thing he saw in his mind was his young son pick up the dimly lit
flashlight from the ground where he had dropped it when they took him.
Thank you Pierre for that clever story.
Watch next week as we continue with New Brunswick authors and Lockie Young returns to the Scribbler with one of his entertaining short stories.
The End
Thank you Pierre for that clever story.
Watch next week as we continue with New Brunswick authors and Lockie Young returns to the Scribbler with one of his entertaining short stories.
Great story! Shared on all my social network pages :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments Tina. I like this story very much. Thanks for sharing. You have been a tremendous supporter of the Scribbler and it is very much appreciated.