You read the first Chapter of the Wall of War here (archived 05/09/2014) This exciting novel of Incan gold, an unfortunate priest, a Spanish crime lord and Drake Alexander is coming in the Fall of 2017. Following is an excerpt. Copyright is held by the author.
The enormity of his speculation bemuses
him. His shoulders droop as if they alone carry the weight. Never before in the
four decades of his life has he been handed such a weighty platter. He is lost
in a torrent of possibilities; not only in historical significance but the
enormous value of what this artifact could be worth if it is all gold, most
likely pure. It seems beyond his frail human belief. The wall has to weigh many
tons; if he guesses it would not be unreasonable that is over 10,000 pounds. He
knows from his own modest investments that gold is selling at present at $34.OO
per troy ounce. Rough calculations tell him it could be worth over four million
dollars in gold bullion. When he considers that his wages are $1.10 an hour,
that’s a fortune. Gigantic in his mind is who he must tell.
thought alerts him to what steps he must take, he is enlivened with the idea
that he must somehow verify this as well as the dimensions. His energy is
renewed as he imagines what the discovery can do for his church. That must to
be why God saw fit to send a priest. As he begins to recite the rosary in his
mind, he withdraws his note book and pencil from one of his stuffed pockets. He
turns it sideways so he can sketch on the widest portion. He draws a rough
image of the wall and the figures it contains. When he is satisfied that his
drawing is as accurate as possible he writes a header, The Wall of War.
the page he begins walking off the dimensions carefully noting the sizes as
best as he can estimate, he wants to be conservative but yet not diminish its
grandness. He is shocked once more when he hurries to the end he first
discovered to judge how thick the wall is, at least eight inches. He touches
the rough back while shining his light up and down. It is textured and
unfinished, given little, if any consideration. Stepping away from the wall he
shines his light back and forth over the fearsome figures thinking the work
must have taken years. He can barely contain his emotions. He shuts off his
light and finishes his prayers in the darkness.
minutes later he turns the light back on, replaces the notebook and pencil,
pauses to think of anything else he should do. It is starting to get cooler,
the sweat on his body long dried. Donning his t-shirt he decides he can’t leave
now. There is one more thing he has to find. How could the workers possibly get
in and out of this cavern he asks himself, how could they bring their supplies
in. He has to know because there is no sign of any engineering where he entered;
there are no other bodies either. He will take another half hour trying to find
another entry. He points his light to the rear proceeding cautiously towards
the void.
to his right where he can see the bench, he follows that. It extends half as
long as the wall on the opposite side. The clutter is similar from one end to
the other, except in the center where remnants of woven bowls lay half eaten
away. They contain shards of dried foods, possibly avocados distinguishable by
their wrinkled skin, stem and petrified leaves still attached. He walks slowly beyond the shelf towards the
bare rock wall sidestepping the scattered debris, watching for cracks when his
light shows him that the cavern sides are closing in. He flashes his light back
at the golden wall gauging that he is at the farthest end from where he
entered. He returns the ray of light to his front and sees another slight bend.
He follows the curve until the sides shrink to an opening that comes to the
middle of his chest, about four feet but twice as wide as him.
is huge split in the floor where the pathway he is on ends. He creeps carefully
to the lip shining his light down. There is nothing to see except granite. Scrunching
down on his knees he shines the light into the hole. He guesses the gap to be
about six feet wide. He lifts his lamp and what he sees amazes him as much as
the hammer but not with the same exuberance. He grins as he thinks to himself,
“the experienced discoverer now”. His
gaze takes in what seems to be a store room, broken barrels along one wall. The
bent spears propped against another narrow stone ledge suggest an armory and
directly in front of him, twenty feet away, is a stairway amazingly cut from
the hardest stone. It is a captivating sight. The steps follow two wide cracks
in the mountain, joined together at one time with fresh timber. The wooden,
un-rotted ends are still wedged onto the rock treads. The central part of the
stairway gave way centuries ago and vacations at the bottom of the dark pits.
steps turn sharply to the left about seven steps up and are filled with rocks
and dirt. There must have been a cave in Suetonius realizes, that would explain
the fallen rocks in the caverns. He stares at the whole scene for many moments
trying to understand what he’s found. His whole body tingles, small ripples
pimple his arms and upper body. He is experiencing an epiphany of what all his
previous life has meant. He gleans from the confessional that everyone wants to
know, “Why am I here? What purpose do I serve?” How blessed he feels. The
heavenly reality is physically accompanied by an abundant flow of adrenaline
from the stress he is experiencing. He asks himself, “what if this fell in the
wrong hands”. It’s located in the wilderness; it would be vandalized to no end.
He will have to be very careful; without a doubt, there are people who would
kill for this knowledge. He trembles bodily as the idea ferments.
will write it all down as soon as he returns to his lodgings. He will write in
the most obscure of the several languages he knows. Checking his wrist for the
time, he is disheartened knowing he should leave or he might not get off the
face before dark. Giving the room one last sweep of light he notices something
reflective in the far corner. It’s small whatever it is, he can’t find it
again. Then there it is; a tiny ray of something bright. He keeps his hand
steady trying to see what is making the light bend. It is about twenty feet
away cornered with other detritus. Dust blankets everything. It is difficult to
discern from where he crouches. The ray wavers as he moves his hand so
slightly. Reminded of the star of the Wise Men, is this to be a guide for him,
he ponders. He doesn’t think too long until he decides he has to have it. It could
be the proof he seeks.
I always wanted to write a novel about Incan Gold and a mysterious discovery, a discovery so enormous in historic and monetary value that people would kill for the secret. That's Wall of War. Watch for it in Fall 2017.
Please visit the Scribbler next week and meet guest author JP Mclean of British Columbia. Read an excerpt from her new novel Penance, set to be released in April, 2015
I always wanted to write a novel about Incan Gold and a mysterious discovery, a discovery so enormous in historic and monetary value that people would kill for the secret. That's Wall of War. Watch for it in Fall 2017.
Please visit the Scribbler next week and meet guest author JP Mclean of British Columbia. Read an excerpt from her new novel Penance, set to be released in April, 2015
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