Besides her writing skills, Sandra is also a mentor, an
editor, teaches English as a second language, owns a publishing company, is a
writing coach and provides workshops.
She has kindly agreed to a 4Q Interview and is sharing some
of her writing.
Sandra Bunting grew up mainly in Miramichi, New
Brunswick. She graduated from Ryerson, Toronto with a BA in Radio and
Television Arts. After working for Broadcast News (CP) and CBC News, she moved
to Europe and lived in France, Spain, and Ireland. She received a Masters in
Writing from University of Galway and went on to give poetry seminars there, set up and manage the Academic
Writing Centre, teach English as a Second Language and train teachers to teach
Sandra’s first poetry collection, Identified in Trees, was published in 2006 by Marram Press in
Galway, followed by two short story collections, The Effect of Frost on Southern Vines and Everything in this House Breaks, this time with her her own imprint
Gaelóg Press. An earlier non-fiction collaboration The Claddagh: Stories from the Water's Edge was published by
History Press, Dublin. The poetry collection Lesser Spotted was launched in the spring of 2023. She returned to Canada in 2011 and
established herself in Montreal and later Miramichi, where she took up the
position of executive director of the multicultural association for a few years.
Sandra is currently on the editorial board of the Galway
based literary magazine, Crannóg. In 2012 she was awarded a Glenna Luschei
award for poetry through the Prairie Schooner University of Nebraska. She was
runner-up for the 2006 Welsh Cinnamon Press First Novel Competition and was a
finalist at the 2009 Irish Digital Media Awards for her Blog: Writing a Novel Online. She has had items published in
Ireland, England, Canada, Argentina, and the US. Sandra is a member of
Miramichi Words on Water, Women who Write (Grand Barachois), The New Brunswick
Writers’ Federation, the New Brunswick Independent Authors Association and
Galway Writers Workshop.
For more see: www.sandbunting.com
4Q: Having just read your short story collection I mentioned
above, what appeals to you about short stories and how did this collection come
into being?

4Q: Tell us about Gaelóg Press and Writing Services. Also,
about the unique name, Gaelóg.
SB: Gaelóg Press was
formed to publish and promote some of the projects I was working on. I had
already a bit of experience in publishing through the literary magazine Crannóg,
and it was something I had been considering for awhile. So far I have published
my two collections of my short stories and a reprint of a Eoghan Garvey’s poetry
collection, Entropy. One of Gaelóg's latest publications is Down River by Nonie Creaghan, children's stories set in the different communities along the Miramichi River and Bay.

Gaelóg Press also offers writing, editing and coaching
services to writers and small businesses besides facilitating workshops in
creative writing.
Gaelóg is indeed a strange name. Having lived in Ireland for
much of my adult life, I was exposed to and fell in love with the Irish (or
Gaelic) language. Gaelóg means Bunting, a fat little bird and my family name.
4Q: Please share a childhood memory or anecdote.
SB: I was an only child but not lonely. I used to invent
stories and act them out. There was a favourite piece called Dinner at Sato’s that I enacted over and
over again. My mother had had a trip to New York and brought back an account of
her experience at a Japanese restaurant. I created an elaborate ceremony of
placing myself and a large cluster of stuffed animals on pillows on the floor
around the coffee table. There would be much bowing, trying out chopsticks and
eating and drinking out of small bowls.
One of my favourite stuffed animals was a rabbit. However,
there was fierce competition for its affection from my dog, a Bedlington
Terrier called Cookie, who looked like a little sheep. The dog would run and
grab the toy, bring it in the middle of the living room and start performing on
it to the horror of any visitor, especially an elderly priest. The dog, though beautiful, continued to
exhibit bad behaviour. It totally destroyed my mother’s new feather hat, bought
for Easter and yet unworn. The dog was actually banished from the town in the
end for chasing and nipping the legs of cyclists as they passed our house.

4Q: Please tell us about the writing group, Words on Water.
Now spearheaded by Judy Bowman and Sandra Bunting, Words on Water Miramichi is a group of writers, actors, songwriters, spoken word performers who are active in sharing their own work through readings, book launches and other events. They encourage emerging writers by holding writing workshops, open mics and get-togethers. They are committed to promoting the work of Miramichi’s more established writers, and to exposing the local population and visitors to the stories they have to tell through poems, stories or songs.
WOW launched Tom Creaghan’s book, Miramichiers in the Gilded Age on the deck of the Max Aitken as it
travelled from Newcastle to Chatham wharf. It hosted Bloomsday (James Joyce)
Readings and a very special St. Patrick’s Day reading at Seasons View. It has
done readings for Remembrance Day and has midsummer events in Burnt Church for
the past five years.
WOW began in 2005 when Michelle Cadogan had a vision of an
arts community in Miramichi and recruited Judy Bowman, columnist, and former
president of Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick to assist in promoting
writing and spoken word in the area. Edgewater Gallery, one of many venues,
hosted many events for local writers and for the WFNB. Reading and singing of
original work was held while surrounded by art of local and Maritime artists.
Guest readers travelled to Miramichi to read. These include:
Lynn Davis, Governor General Award Nominee for poetry; Michelle Butler-Hallet,
fiction writer St. John Nfld., Ross Leckie,
Poet and Professor of English UNB; Musician Terry Whalen after his ECMA,
Paula Foley, Terry Gadsden and Paul McGraw. On a Maritime Tour, the Good
Brothers dropped in for a visit to Saltwater Sounds, one of the host venues for
WOW. Publishers continue to take great interest in this event to feature their

WOW also introduced the art of storytelling by Natoageneg
Elder Joseph Leonard Ward at Saltwater Sounds.
4Q: There is an interesting article on your web site
(sandbunting.com) about the Miramichi’s Literary Trail, an idea you brought
from Galway, Ireland. Can you elaborate.

As I became more
involved with writers in Miramichi, I felt that there should be more
recognition for the city’s well-known authors. The idea for a trail similar to
that in Galway was forming.
Under the banner
of Words on Water Miramichi, with funding from the city of Miramichi and the NB
Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture, six large artworks were designed
in wood by Gloria Savoie in response to quotes by local writers. These are on
permanent exhibit at the Newcastle Public Library. The second stage was to etch
the writers quotes in sandstone tablets and place them outside around
Miramichi. Plaques recognizing the works of Davids Adams Richards is at Ritchie
Wharf, Wayne Curtis is at French Fort Cove, Ray Fraser is at the Chatham Public
Library and Doug Underhill stands outside the Newcastle Public Library. Three more monuments have been subsequently erected: Chuck Bowie at Rankin Park, Valerie Sherrard at Beaubear's Interpretive Centre and Carla Gunn at Strawberry Marsh.
4Q: What’s next
for Sandra Bunting, the author?
SB: I have a collection of poetry in search of a publisher. I
am building up stories some into a third collection, but what I want really do
now is finish a novel. One of my main flaws as a writer is that I have trouble
finishing things. I get to a certain point and then it takes enormous amounts
of energy to complete it. This is the same for poems, short stories and longer
pieces. Therefore, I have a drawerful of incomplete projects. As it stated in
my biography, I was highly commended for an excerpt of a novel. That was a long
time ago and it is still unfinished. I would like to do this now. Stating that
here may give me the impetus I need to do it.
4Q: Anything else you’d like to share with us?

An Excerpt from the title story of the same name from the
short story collection Everything in this
House Breaks
(Copyright is held by the Author. Used with permission.)
It was a bad winter. There was hardly a dry day. Wind
struggled violently with the windows, puddles grew larger and darkness seemed
to be eternal. Spring was not much better but daylight was struggling for the
upper hand. It was time again for the survey. I had to interview the same
people I had before and note any changes: the addition or demise of pets,
changes in the type of heating system, a second car or television. I went to
Joe McEnree’s house first. He answered the door immediately. I found him
looking older and slightly more stooped.
He asked me in and, on passing the sun porch on the way to
the kitchen, I remarked how magnificent the cacti were. They seemed to be
taking over the room. “I’ve never really taken to them,” he said. “It was my
wife that liked them. Now that she’s gone, I keep them because she liked them.”
“I’m so sorry about your wife,” I said. “I didn’t know.”
“It’s for the best. She was in pain. But I’m fierce lonely
without her. Ah well. We have to go on.”
We went through the questions on the survey and duly noted
the changes. One occupant, not two at number 10. He told me other changes to
the area and then he perked up.
“We have entered the improved neighbourhood competition,” he
said. “You must look at the new garden I planted at the side.”
I recognized the lilies, hydrangeas and poppies, but there
were many others I didn’t know. I could imagine the mix of colours when all the
plants were blooming. I would certainly give him the prize for this garden. If
everyone in the neighbourhood did something similar, it would be spectacular.
“Number nineteen is starting an old-fashioned herb garden
surrounded by lavender bushes. Another house is specializing in roses.” He was
I had to go back briefly in summer to clarify one of the
questions. The little estate looked beautiful. The scent of lavender mixed with
rose, lily and lilac wafted around the corner before the full colours of the
blossoms hit.
“We won,” Mr. McEnree said.
He saw the blank expression on my face and impatiently
reminded me.
“The Improved Neighbourhood Competition. We won. I have a
thousand euro cheque.” He couldn’t contain his smile.
“I’m going to spend it
on a little bench and maybe a border around the green.”
It was September again before I got back to the area. There
was a new survey. I was surprised to find that no cars were allowed in.
“What’s going on?” I asked.
“They’re going to pave the roads here tomorrow. That’s why no
cars are let in. It’s about time. The potholes.”
He was distracted while he was talking to me. I interviewed
him quickly and was on my way. He stopped me at the front steps and said, “Just
a minute.”
He took a small cactus from off the ledge of the window.
“There were babies,” he said. “I’d like you to have this. I
know you like them.”
He walked out with me as I thanked him. He showed me the side
garden again.
“I’m just going to cut it back so it will grow thicker next
year,” he said.
When I got home I realized I had forgotten to ask him one
important question. I was busy the next day so I went back on the weekend.
I was shocked at what I saw. Pebbles were scattered on the
road covered by a watery black liquid. The road hadn’t been graded and, it
either sloped at the sides or was all wobbly. I rang the bell at number ten.
There was no answer. As I was certain he was there, I rang again. While waiting
for him to answer, I looked at the side garden expecting to see the usual
delight. Instead, blobs of uneven tarmac covered everything.
I rang again and he slowly opened the door. He shuffled
through the sun porch and looked at me with a deep sadness. I didn’t know what
to say. I followed him inside to the kitchen.
“You’ll help me,” he said. “I can’t do it myself.”
“Of course.” I said. But I didn’t know what he meant.
He took a geranium off the kitchen windowsill.
He seemed unsteady as we walked out into the garden. His arm
shook as he placed the little pot on top of the tarmac.
“I’ll start again. I’m well used to that now. I will start
The little pink geranium looked small against the scarred
black ground - a timid blush of hope under the hot sun.
Thank you, Sandra, for being our guest this week and for your
wonderful stories.
For you readers wanting to discover more about our talented
guest, please follow these links:
Very informative. Best wishes to you and your works Sandra Bunting. M Chase. XO
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting the Scribbler and your nice comment.
DeleteThanks Margaret.